Social Media websites like Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest and Instagram are adding many features to attract more people into sharing information. Only a person constantly following the new feature announcement will be able to know about the latest updates about Social media.
Hidden Features of Facebook
- Facebook allows users to add life events related to work, education, family, relationship, home, travel etc. The title of the event will be shown over the milestone along with date at which the event occurred and people who attended the event can be added with photos. For Facebook business pages milestones also can be added in the order of occurring.
- Facebook offers a feature to read links later which can be obtained by right clicking on the article shared in the news feed. Similarly events and TV shows also can be saved for later through this feature. By going to the link one can see what all articles has been saved to read later and choose one to read.
- Another feature that Facebook allows users is the option to follow or unfollow a profile or page based upon the priority. The news feed preferences option also allows to set who to see first in the newsfeed and whom should be unfollowed. An option to reconnect to those persons whom you have unfollowed is also there in the preference page.
- The top search bar can be used for searching information from top posts, latest posts,people, pages, videos and much more. This Graph search feature helps in finding posts from people and groups you follow easily.
Hidden Features of LinkedIn
- LinkedIn offers option to add relationship notes, reminders and how was the first meeting occurred and so on through the profile page. It is also possible to tag the person through linkedin for making easy to find.
- The profile page allows to upload media into it through images videos and slideshows and make more attractive to the reader. This feature can be accessed through the summary section of the profile.
- Jobseekers find it easy to apply for jobs through LinkedIn. The jobs searched can be saved and the saved searches can be set as alert on a weekly or daily schedule.
- For company pages Linkedin have a feature to showcase specific pages individually based on different categories.
Hidden Features of Twitter
- Through third party tools managing twitter is much easier. There are websites help to find out who has unfollowed in recent times. This can help in maintaining a following follower ration within the limits.
- At times it is difficult to follow certain people due to the nature of tweets or the frequency of tweets. In such cases twitter offers to mute the tweets of certain twitter handles with ease.
- Twitter now have detailed analytics page to do the basic and etailed analysis. This usually have data regarding the top follower top tweet and impressions the twitter handle generated monthwise.
- One of the most advantageous tool that twitter has is analyzing the hashtags through third party services. This can help in finding out who is tweeting the desired hashtag and who gets the maximum reshares etc.