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How to do Search Engine Optimization for Website

Search Engines like Google Bing and Yahoo is changing their Search Engine Algorithms for improving the quality of search results. The purpose of doing Search Engine Optimization is to improve the quality of the website to make it search engine friendly to be listed on showing up in the Search Engine Results Page. Through search engine optimization the user experience can be improved on different types of devices. The following are some of the usual techniques adapted for doing the Search Engine Optimization of the Website.

Quality Content
Google Bing and other search engines promote fresh content which is having good quality. The relevance of the content depends upon its usefulness and upto what extend it is educational in nature. It is also known through various surveys that users also prefer quality content useful for reading. While publishing content one should also take care about mixing content in various forms such as images, videos and infographics.

Keyword Placement
Search Engines like Google and Bing give priorities to keywords in the web page. The number of times a keyword is appearing on a website in comparison with the total number of words on the web page is having priorities given by the search engine algorithms for showing up on the search engine results page. Having relevant keyword in the Title, Meta description and content of the web page is necessary for listing the web page in search results. The keyword density within a web page also need to be within the limits to make sure that no keyword stuffing is occurring.

Title and Meta Tags
Creating relevant title and meta tags are necessary from Search Engine Optimization Point of View. It is the title and meta description that is listing on search engine result page that makes the users click on the link. Proper usage of meta tags and title tags will have advantage for SEO. Commonly alphabets and numeric digits are used in title and meta description tags. Separators are used to keep the keywords ain groups in tile tags. It is also advised to keep the title and meta description tag unique for each page.

Keywords in Anchor Text
While hyperlinking care should be taken to include keywords inside the anchor text. This will make the website that is linking to be more relevant to the keyword in the anchor text. Search Engines like Google and Bing provides weightage for the use of anchor text on the web page.

Backlinks coming to the web page from other websites having high page rank will have considerable effect in Search Engine Optimization factors of the website. The trust factor from an authoritative website makes the content on the linking website more relevant to the keyword. sharing content over various social media platforms will also increase chances for more visits to the website.

Keywords in URL
Having keywords in the domain name and url is advantageous in the case of Search Engine Optimization. resolving www issues with domains is important as there might arise problems concerned with duplicate content. Age of the domain also plays an important factor in the case of SEO. It is good to purchase old domains without any spam issue for better Search Engine Optimization effects. Using sub directory or sub domains in the url is also beneficial for listing the website in Search Engine Results Page. usage of keywords in the domain will tell the user that the website is relevant to the search query being executed.

Having a clear navigation structure helps the end user to easily go to the relevant pages once the website is reached through search engine. The number of clicks to reach a web page also plays an important role in Search Engine Optimization. Sometimes it is also necessary to put no follow attribute for Search Engine Optimization factors.

Broken links and Sitemap
The website need to be checked for any broken links and ensured that 404 errors are not happening frequently. It is also necessary to create an xml sitemap and submit the same to Google for better indexing. Having an HTML sitemap will make the experience of the user more easy.

Sent Direct Messages on Twitter with more Characters

Twitter has recently removed the limit for the characters in Direct Messages. Twitter has also announced that people can chat continuously with direct messages. Even through most of the conversations on twitter are public using @ symbol the new feature will give more room for discussing about the images, news and events through direct messages. As there is no limit in the characters being sent people can type all the matter in one go.

Earlier twitter have given options to send direct message with people without following. Replying back to the direct message is also possible with twitter direct messages without following. An option to send direct message directly from the home screen in Android was also introduced by twitter in the recent past.

The feature of twitter to have direct messages inside the private groups was introduced in this year which received positive response. In this group it is not necessary for the fellow members to follow each other in order to receive direct messages. And as soon as one person is joined to the group he will be receiving a notification.

Twitter has also said in the press release that public tweets will continue to be of 140 character length. The feature to add photos and videos along with links is also possible in public tweeting. The direct message limit removal is implemented on Android and iOS apps also. Some users across the world will be receiving the feature as it is released countrywide by Twitter.

Advantages of Mobile Search Engine Optimization

Gone are the days when Mobile has been used only for communication purposes. In the new era various Mobile Devices are being used for downloading applications, making online purchases and payments and more importantly for Searching Information from Internet. The use of mobile devices have made the life simpler with fewer clicks. As Google has recently announced that Mobile Searches has overcome Desktop Searches it is getting critical that mobile visitors need to pleased with better user experience.

Portability and Connectivity
One of the major reason why mobile devices have become popular is the portability factor. Business people who travel more have the option to connect through various mobile devices like smart phones and tablets. The ease at which customers can be reached easily is also contributing to the success of mobile devices.

Web Page Speed
As the time required to download a web page is considerably low for search engine optimized web pages it is quickly available while browsing through mobile devices.

User Experience
Those websites which are optimized for mobile devices offer better user experience. More people are satisfied after browsing mobile optimized websites that desktop views. It is also easy to give a positive impression among customers through Mobile Searches.

Time Spent on Websites
As far as mobile visits are concerned the time spent on a particular web page is less in the case of mobile devices. Getting attention among customers is a crucial factor in such cases. This usually happens because most of the people visit the website through mobile devices on the go. If the navigation and user experience is poor chances are that you are loosing new customers.

Location based Search
As most of the websites are having Google Place pages visibility of store locations in searches through Google can get more leads. When Phone numbers are visible in the search result page for clicking it is much easier for the store front to get direct calls.

Click to Call
Websites that are optimized to view on mobile devices are having Click to Call option which makes it easier for the visitors to contact you immediately.

Offline Options
There are several ways like QR Codes and SMS through which the website link can be reached through mobile devices. This is especially helpful in certain areas of marketing where brand names are unique.

Compared to Mobile App development Mobile website development is much easier and less costly. In the case of Mobile Apps the device on which the App need to installed need to be configured.

Why User Experience is Important for your Website

Internet Users who come to your website have high expectations about the content they are looking for. Most of the time they might be looking for a valuable experience and expect the website to be easy to navigate, aesthetically pleasing and emotionally satisfying. For retaining the existing customers and to gain news customers the user experience must be compelling in every way.

It is a well known fact that poor user experience can lead to reduced conversion rates, low retention of existing customers, increased redesign cost. A well designed web page with improved user experience will have low bounce rate and less chance of abandoning by users.

The three main advantage of improved user experience are as follows.

  • Customers like to purchase more from a website offering improved user experience.
  • Customers will do less business with the competitors if the user experience is better.
  • Customers will recommend your business if th user experience is compelling.

The three factors that are contribution to the user experience are Usefulness, Usability and Desirability. The major reason why users visit a website is to achieve a goal. Up to what extend a website is useful will be the primary criteria for a website user. The next thing a user will will value will be the usability which involves the minimum effort to do a task on the website. The third thing a user looking for will be the desirability which is the extend to which the user enjoy the browsing experience.

The first step in creating a great user experience will be to know about the real users. Most of the time assuming that the developers know about the users creates problem. Creating online persona matching the profile of the customer should be the first step in the user experience excel. The requirement of the stakeholders might be different from that of the customer and aligning both through asking and listening is required in good user experience creation.

While creating design the primary importance should be given to user experience. Ignoring about what the users search and come to your website is also important while designing the website. It is also essential to test the designs for improving the usability factors. How much reliable is the information on the website and how much secure is the data is also have significance in design parameters.

New Facebook Video Marketing Tips

The number of videos showing up on Facebook has increased in the recent past. More and more people watch videos through Facebook. The autoplay feature of the Facebook video has given many opportunities for the marketing team. The following are some of the tips for optimizing videos for Facebook marketing Purpose.

Videos having inspirational theme usually are liked and shared by more people than marketing emails. It is not essential that you should be a professional video editor to make such videos. Sometimes simple narration accompanied by music can also create stunning effects.

The second kind of videos that creates more attention is educational videos. Through educational videos content that is being useful for the audience is posted as tutorials. Hyperlapse videos and videos giving tips for doing something can be used for these categories

Sometimes informal and entertaining videos also gets huge audience. Behind the scene movies and humorous videos posted in between serious content gets more engagement on Facebook.

Facebook pages also have options of showing featured videos on the page. This can be created to promote an event or promoting a special product on Facebook page, new visitors to the Facebook page usually checks these videos and through this marketers can give more exposure to products and services. There is also option to create playlists on Facebook video tab. The Call to action can also play critical role when text like “Watch Video” is added to the Facebook page. Another feature, which will help in marketing is the Live Video streaming through Facebook Platform.

Instagram Marketing Tips for Business

Instagram is one of most popular platform among social media with maximum rate of engagement. Managing content in the Instagram is one of the crucial part in marketing for business. The following are some of the marketing strategies and tips for Instagram.

Posting fresh content regularly is the first thing you should do to make the Instagram profile popular. Instead of posting at the regular time every day randomly posting is better as far as viewership increase is concerned. Brands which posts regularly increases the number of followers consistently.

Making the profile catchy is the next thing to do because it is the starting point people try to analyze the account. While uploading the Logo or profile picture it is mandatory to keep the square size and the logo branding uniformly across multiple social media.

Usually brands that start the conversations by posting about events and images having value to the customers gets maximum number of following and engagement. Combining photos and videos is another options to keep the views about products or events in the same picture.

Using the descriptions to the images wisely  and adding hashtags that increase the relevancy to the topic is good for increasing the engagement on Instagram. Using around 10 hashtags is optimal in the case of Instagram.

Responding to comments and doing mentions while sending messages to others is part of engagement. Brands who actively taking part in conversations creates lasting impressions in the mind of users. While uploading photos person in it tagging them will send notifications to them which will increase further influence.

Showing appreciation for customers in instagram is another way of creating engagement through social media. Showing photos of customers and showcasing their works will increase the chances of winning more customers.

Visit our blog on Instagram Branding Tips

Top Five Microsoft Excel Tips for Digital Marketers

In earlier days it was pretty difficult to manage data and with the introduction of Microsoft Excel things changed. There are several data manipulation possible with the help of excel as far as Digital Marketers are concerned. Following are some of the tips which can be done with the help of excel for making the process of digital marketing easy.

1. Flash Fill
Sometimes it is difficult a set of information continuously on Excel. There is a feature in Excel called Flash fill which enable sorting of data based on a particular pattern. This is especially true when the data have consistency across a series of cells. Usually Flash Fill is on by default and fills when the software recognizes a pattern. However if it is off it can be taken from files menu under options. In the advanced tab there will be a checkbox for automatically flash fill the data. If the flash filling is not working then it can be initiated from data ribbon menu. This is extremely useful when the contact list is imported from Social Media Websites or sorting the Email list taken from the subscription list.

2. Pivot Tables
This is one of most useful features of Excel which people don’t use widely. Sometimes when there are a lot of data existing in the excel sheet it will be difficult to sort out which should be given importance. Pivot tables are easy for summarizing, analyzing and sorting out data based on a short set of parameters. Clicking on the table of data and going to insert Pivot Table Option and highlight what all parameters need to be analyzed. Then dragging the fields will create a pivot table in a separate sheet.

3. Goal Seek
Sometimes while analyzing data that are predicting an output from a particular formula, the user might not be sure about adjusting what value will yield a result. The Goal Seek feature of excel is a wonderful example of finding what value of a data set can affect another data set value. Sometimes expected organic visits and paid visits need to be analyzed to find out which will be going to yield the desired number of leads. Creating a set cell and selecting what if analysis from the data ribbon can make the goal seek value function to run. The target value and the current value can be find out by adjusting the parameters in the excel sheet.

4. Conditional Formatting
This feature of Excel is particularly useful for tracking the search engine ranking positions and the pagerank values for a web page. Conditional formating is used for highlighting a  value based on a condition. Depending upon the value in a cell the cell can be colored based on the period in which it stands. The Highlight cell rules can be taken from the conditional formating and used for sorting out if the ranking of a keyword is with the 1 to 10 position in search engine results page.

5. Forecast and Trendline
Forecast is done in order to predict the future values based on an old set of values. This can be extremely helpful for digital marketers for showing yearly trends based viists and conversions based old previous years results. Trendline also gives the values based on old values which can be accesed from the char line right clicking option. However Display Equation on chart should be turned on in order to see how the values vary based on old values.

Supplementary Content and its Effect on Search Engine Optimization

For most of the people in the digital marketing industry content is misinterpreted as written content. In Google Search Quality Guidelines and Google Quality Content raters content has been explained as both written as well as other content like images and videos. Along with the main content it is essential to have supplementary content in a web page to be able to list on search engine results page. It is also essential to have clear view of the content without supplementary content like ads hindering the web page.

The main content of the web page is in support to the meta description and title which helped the users to access the web page through search results it is the supplementary data that enhances the user experience while on the web page. This generally include the navigation headers and sidebar along with sections for comments and information required to contact for availing service or getting products.

One of the reason for the abandoning of web pages and increased exit rate for a web page is irrelevant supplementary content provided on the web page. Sometimes content that causes distraction is also considered not useful for the user. Chat Windows Advertisements and Sign Up boxes may or may not affect the user experience and distract the attention of the user.

Users coming into a web page through search engine results page looks for vital information which they are looking for. If there are more than enough information they are looking for on the web page then it is definitely going to improve the user experience.  A the same time pop ups and advertisements with auto play videos distract the attention of the users. In such cases the user will exit from the web page itself or go back to the search engine results page.

There are different types of supplementary content that can increase the user experience of the person who browses the web page.

Filtering of Search Results and the Impact on Search Engine Optimization

Google offers several filtering features within a single search. This can vary from searching content that is published recently or searching for images having a particular color. These search filters can be done both in the case of searches from Desktop and Searches from Mobile. The first thing to have option will be to choose from the type of result obtained through the keyword search query. Images, Videos, News and Maps are generally displayed for most of the keyword search queries. depending upon the relevancy these can vary between other terms. The order of showing the type of results also vary depending upon the type of the keyword being used.

Depending upon the type of query the search tools also vary. For common keywords the country in which the web pages exist and the time during which the web page is published is of utmost importance. In the case of images size, color, type, time and the image license can also be used for filtering purpose. There is also option for searching images by seeing the size of the image over the images. In the case of videos the duration, quality and the time at which it has been uploaded can be filtered using the filtering feature.

the first thing Search Engines watch while using filters is the url which have description about the date in which it is being published and the descriptive terms. Due to this it is essential to have the url of the web page clearly state the necessary details for getting seen while using filters. Second thing will be the Title of the web page and in case the web page is having images or videos that is having importance it can be stated in the title of the page. By proper examination of the SEO factors an expert can make the webpage be made visible even after filtering feature are enabled in the Search Engine Results Page.

How to Increase Influence through Social Media Websites

Due to the heavy amount of information shared on Social Media it is hard to influence people in the current digital era.  Even though there are claims saying about the net worth of a Facebook fan the amount of revenue obtained through social media promotion is not much higher. How the visits can be of use in social media and how a brand can become influential is a critical task for most small business owners. The following are some of the strategies followed by bigger brands for increasing the influence through Social Media.
Paying to Play
There are several digital marketing professional claiming that social media marketing is completely free. As more and more Apps on Social Media are adopting the paying to play for continuing to use Online payment for social media app use is gaining momentum. for this reason it is suggested that small business marketers are required to allocate budget for social media promotion. As less than 20% of followers actually sees the post by brands paying for posts to be seen on social media is getting stronger.
Picking Right Platform
It is a misconception that every business can be promoted on every social media platform. Certain kind of business will find it easy to market through visually enhanced social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram. In the case of some other business twitter will be much more profitable. It is essential for new marketers to first study about what the competitors are doing and how they are making profits through social instead of starting it quickly.
Creating Community
One of the most important factors people like a Facebook Page or follow a brand is to avail special offers and discounts with respect to a brand. Certain brands show behind the scenes with respect to a brand which gives a more humanistic approach to the social media profile. It is also necessary to interact and communicate with the fans to set up a community of loyal followers.