The leave application procedure is a tedious process which requires the teachers to submit the leave application, make necessary alternatives in the time table and sanctioning of the leave. This has to be done on every day whenever there is a leave. The leave history also need to be verified and availability of leave also need to be informed to the concerned departments. By implementing the Leave Management System through the School ERP solution the whole process becomes faster and simpler. Granting a leave or denying a leave will be easy and better transparency can be ensured in the case of the leave policy within a school. The following are some of the benefits in implementing Leave Management System.
Accurate Information
By looking at the leave management system the administrator can view the number of leaves taken by an employee and the balance leaves remaining almost real time. This makes the process of verifying previous leaves through various records and calculating the leaves simpler. It is also possible to integrate the leave management system with payroll management software and payslips can easily generated.
As the details regarding can be accessed by multiple persons transparency can be maintained regarding the leaves. The history of leaves taken and the remaining leaves can also be calculated by various departments.
Leave Policy
The maximum number of leaves allowed for teachers and non teaching staff, maintenance of holiday calendar etc can be verified. Any other details regarding taking leave also can be used inside the leave policy manual.
It is possible to cross check whether any teacher will be available on a particular day with leave management module inside the school ERP software. Tasks that are critical be completed by knowing about the leave schedule in advance.
The leave management system helps in sorting out the difference between local labor laws and leave management. Providing access to the leave information can improve the discipline within the school. rule over the complicated old management systems.