Attributes of Professional Learning Community

Professional Learning Community or otherwise known as PLC is the method of offering a learning opportunity through collaboratively learn among coworkers. This is usually done in a particular work environment. Professional Learning Communities are usually employed in schools for organizing teachers into groups for working.

There are many types of Professional Learning community available as of now. In one type the PLC extends the practice followed in classrooms to the community. Learning should be the focusing point of PLC rather than teaching through collaborative methods.

In a professional Learning community the vision about the educational institution need to be shared among the teachers and each one of the member should contribute to the activities for improving the performance of the students.

The following are the attributes of Professional Learning Communities

  • The vision is shared among the teachers and the commitment should be made collectively on a day to day basis.
  • Teachers should be open to new ideas which can be implemented effectively
  • Working as a team through cooperation is done for achieving goals.
  • Experimenting new methods should be encouraged among teachers
  • There should be continuous improvement through Professional Learning Network