Advantages of Flipped Classroom in Education

Flipped learning methods is a blended learning method focused on the delivery of content usually online outside the classroom. In this type of learning activities are often conducted in the classroom and reading of content is done at home. in flipped classroom model students often watch lecture by instructor online, or do research at home and will discus with faculties in the classroom. In traditional classroom teachers will be focused on giving content to group while in flipped classrooms teacher will get time to concentrate on individual students.

In the flipped classroom the instructional method is shifted to a more learner centric model which is helpful in exploring subjects in detail. Online videos are used mostly to convey ideas which are watched outside the classroom. Along with this online discussions among students and research through digital libraries and content reading are done at home by students and doubts will be asked to teacher during the class room sessions.

The following are the main advantages of flipped classroom management

  1. Obtaining first exposure to the subject through various mediums including text, video or podcast. The content can either be created by the faculties itself or viewed through videos available online. There are several websites offering free content in different forms however having a professionally prepared learning video helps a lot in learning subject.
  2. Students complete the learning process in class where they do tasks in the form of worksheets or assignments. Students come to the class with points noted down from the text read or video watched at home. Students are often graded based upon the ability to do tasks and this can be a boosting to them.
  3.  The preparation of class outside the classroom can be assessed by the tutor about the ability of the student to grasp subjects. This can help teachers prepare for the elements which are difficult for certain students. Teachers will also be able to clarify doubts of the students in detail and according to the level of understanding.
  4. As basic information can be learned from outside the class it is much easier for both students and teachers to learn the subject deeply.