6 Important Tips on creating Foursquare Marketing Strategy

Foursquare has been an under utilized Social Media Platform for Business Purposes. The following tips will be helpful in marketing through Foursquare to attract organic visitors.

1. Goals
Before starting the Social media Campaign it is necessary to set goals regarding what activities will be organized and what kind of traffic is going to be achieved through this. It might be increasing the number of check ins or increasing the brand loyalty.

2. Business ProfileThe next step involves claiming the Foursquare business profile and the best way is to sign up for the service through Mobile devices.

3. Influencers
It is essential to find out the most popular person who can be contacted for creating Influence. Inviting these person can be a boost to the popularity of the business location. It is also advisable to train the staff to act as brand advocates by check in regularly.

4. FourSquare marketing StrategyIt is essential to formulate the type of strategies that is going to be followed for Foursquare marketing. Sometimes it can be offering discounts, giving information or give aways.  Encouraging Check Ins is also part of Foursquare Marketing Strategy.

5. Different SpecialsIt is possible to give away specials on foursquare for different requirements. Specials for new comers, specials for friends, loyalty specials are some of the examples that can be tried through Foursquare.

6. Offline AdsThe offers that are available through foursquare should be made visible to people by putting up posters and advertising in classifieds websites.

After launching the Foursquare marketing campaign it is essential to  measure the goals and track the campaign regularly. If any modifications is needed it should be optimized to increase the visits.